Friday, February 15, 2013

Blend of the World (Ad Mashup: 2012 Edition)

We survived 2012, and what an inspirational year it's been! I created a mash-up that combines some of the most motivational commercials of the year. This message comes straight from the heart, and is something I want to share with everyone. But most of all, I want to dedicate this compilation to my supportive friend, Monica.

Spots in the mash-up, in order of appearance:
            1. Nike: "Find Your Greatness. - Jogger"
            2. Chrysler: "Halftime in America"
            3. Wideroe: "Grandpa's Magic Trick"
            4. Honda CR-V: "Matthew's Day Off"
            5. Old Spice: "Bed"
            6. Nike Football: "My Time is Now"
            7. GoPro HERO3
            8. Nike: "Find Your Greatness."
            9. P&G: "Kids 2012"
            10. Hot Wheels: "World Record: Corkscrew Jump"
            11. Red Bull: "Felix Baumgartner's Supersonic Freefall from 128k"

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